This Is The Next Generation iTunes Store…

Today a lucky bar solicitor found himself in a prosperous situation when he stumbled over something that looked like a forgotten iPhone laying around on the bar. With no one around to claim ownership, he stuffed the iPhone in his pocket and merrily went home. Little did he know that within the shell was the next generation iPhone waiting to be discovered. Now, the entire world exploded in blog posts, YouTube clips, etc… to talk about this new and exciting little piece of gadget. Gizmodo, who broke the story first, received an insane amount of comments within a few hours.

The one who lost the next generation iPhone and the receiver of the most unfortunate string of events was an Apple software engineer named Gray Powell. Of course, today’s happenings sting and things might not be back to normal for him for a long time. However, Gizmodo called the guy and asked him if he wanted them to return the iPhone into his possession. At least he still has a job over at Apple…or does he…

I am sure Apple is looking into how all this could have happened and is making sure it won’t happen again. It seems like they are leaking quite a lot of ideas and concept designs at the moment. Recently Apple filed a patent that looks a lot like the next generation iTunes Store. It’s not just some shabby upgrade either. Nope, Apple is going full out on a virtual reality 3d store it seems.

The patent clearly shows the different elements and ideas they are looking into. It’s still too early to estimate if it will be a success, but clearly it shows that there are several huge implementations that will be available for their ideas. What do you think? Would you jolly around in a virtual reality iTunes store to purchase new and fresh songs for your iPhone or iPod? At least they are still as creative as they used to be. It remains to be seen if they do something about all this… chances are it might be a while…

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