Dymotics: Smartphone Controlled Modular House Control System

As I wrote earlier this week, home automation is becoming quite popular, and companies scurry to produce technology that will help us control our homes in ways previously not thought of. The slightly unoptimized VixPlug central relay is of course quite an interesting approach to control your home. However it’s when it is seamlessly incorporated that we can really start enjoying it. That is the case with Dymotics’s modular smartphone controlled home automation system.

I personally like modular technology before all-in-ones as it makes more sense to put the pieces together that you really need, and is not bothered by features you have no need for. The Dynomics modular home automation system is exactly that. You can add, take away and customize everything according to your own preference.

Not only is it modular, but it also incorporates your smartphone into the system seamlessly. Once installed, you can control every module from your smartphone, something that is quite convenient when you start looking at what modules are available. You can, for example, control your lights, washing machine, microwave, or even the thermostat directly from your smartphone interface.

This is a huge increase in comfort and convenience, and will most likely save you a whole bunch of time not having to run back and forth checking and setting these devices. Instead, all you need to do is pull up your Dynomics smartphone controlled home automation app and adjust, start or stop whatever gadget you want to control. You can even open your door while away if you’re expecting guests and don’t want them to stand outside and wait.

There are many more things you can do with Dymotics, and this smartphone controlled system is most likely going to make it big as they are currently working on more modules to add to the already extensive product list. Dymotics is currently looking for funding in order to make this smartphone controlled system profitable. They have turned to IndieGoGo to raise the $10,000 needed in order to do so. With only 4 days left, it doesn’t look like this campaign will be a successful one, as they have only managed to raise a little north of $2,400. As they say, it isn’t over until the fat lady sings, so if you want a smartphone controlled home automation system, spread the word about this product and go pledge and help make it happen!

Dymotics Smartphone Controlled Home Automation System

Dymotics Smartphone Controlled Automation

Dymotics Smartphone Controlled Automation

Dymotics Smartphone Controlled Automation

Dymotics Smartphone Controlled Automation

Dymotics Smartphone Controlled Automation