Nokia Timeline: This Is Pure Porn For Nokia Lovers

The day had to come when I had to incorporate “porn” into one of my articles. I have been able to elude the word for 1,401 articles, but this one had it written all over it. I have seen some extensive infographics and timelines in my days, but this one just blows my mind. The number of Nokia models represented is unprecedented, and even though I sported a Nokia phone back in the ’90s (which I really enjoyed… back then), I have never revisited the brand due to the trends that are haunting the technology business lately. That trend has led us all to pick up either an iPhone or some other smartphone (could be the Nokia as well), but I never dared looking back at the retro phones… until now. The sheer number of models Nokia has released through the years is staggering to say the least.

This makes me think about what a huge success Apple‘s iPhone really was when it was first released. Apple had never previously launched a cell phone, and still it made such an impact while Nokia had been dropping them like coins in a parking meter through the years. How could it be that Apple suddenly became the premiere cell phone supplier of the world?

It boils down to functionality and features really. The way they are always looking into the future instead of incorporating what people want today is, I think, their winning concept. Nokia has been trying things, yes, but never to the extent where it changed the business for how a cell phone would look, operate and be used. Apple changed all that, and this is why Apple is so successful at the moment. Marvel over this insane Nokia cell phone timeline and reflect over the number of failures they have gone through in order to be the company they are today. Simply staggering!

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Insane Nokia Cell Phone Timeline