A Digital Billboard Like You Have Never Seen Before!

We see technology being used everywhere. It is integrating elements that make it very interesting for everyday use. I am sure that everyone is already familiar with digital billboards. When we were lounging around yesterday, @leahbesajimenez shared with me an interesting concept that was developed by one of our offices abroad. The initial launch was a campaign where they showed major musicians as compositions made from their influences. Next they allowed consumers to interact with the digital billboard at a bar. They got to try it out by creating a billboard with their own image. They dubbed it as “Billboard Yourself.”

You just need to stand close to the digital billboard, then using three knobs, select which musician appeals to you. Then viola, you can now see your image made from the musicians you chose. A proximity sensor enlarges the image as you come closer to the screen. There you see the faces of the musicians up close. You can even strike a pose and get your image captured. What is so cool about it is that you can actually log onto the “Billboard Yourself” Flickr site, and you can get a copy of the photo to share with your friends. I included a video for you to see for yourself how it works.

“Digital Poster for Billboard Magazine. Very proud for having developed the entire system including the sensor integration”. – developers of the technology

Billboard Magazine video instalation from Marcos Kotlhar on Vimeo.