10 Unusual Clocks | Inspiration

When you want to know the time, you look at the clock. Yes we still do that now, but clocks have also evolved into art pieces. They have become one element that you can add to a room if you are looking to modernize or add a touch to your interior decorating. Clocks have come a long way in terms of design.  I remember when I was younger, the ones that I would usually see were the square or plain circular ones with numbers.

Now there are designers that really concentrate on working on that once simple gadget that tells us time. They play with colors, textures, sizes, adding their own style and creativity.

Just check out the first one on here, it is a clock designed as a pig that can actually heat up bacon while you sleep. It is called the WakeNBacon Clock! This baby wakes you up with an intoxicating pork bacon smell. You put a slice of frozen bacon in the clock’s chamber and you set the alarm the night before, and voila, you wake up to the wafting smell of a cooked piece of bacon.  Here are other unusual clocks that I hope you will find really cool!

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