Tag: Functionality

CalypsoKey Adds An NFC Case & Functionality To The iPhone

CalypsoKey Adds An NFC Case & Functionality To The iPhone

As we all know, the iPhone doesn't come with an NFC component feature yet. Maybe this will change in the future, we just don't know. But the fact rema ...
Aura: Classy iPad Case Molds Functionality With Detail!

Aura: Classy iPad Case Molds Functionality With Detail!

I don't know what it is, but I have suddenly started to frenetically interest myself with iPad cases that really have that little extra. I like the f ...
When FaceBook Connect Truly Connects!

When FaceBook Connect Truly Connects!

For those of you who have been using FaceBook, you've probably seen that people on there share a lot of things with their friends and family. You can ...
Here’s a Twist For Every Designer | SketchySkin

Here’s a Twist For Every Designer | SketchySkin

Post-It's, A4, blocks of paper and a mountain of sketches laying around showcasing your latest icons, wire frames and ideas... there's no end to the n ...
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