Guide For Increasing Twitter Engagement Rate For Brands [Infographic]

Whether you are an individual person or a brand on Twitter, you know that your entire experience will be affected by engagement. Plus, there is nothing that feels like more of a waste of time on social media than when you keep tweeting with no response from anyone. It can make you feel like you are tweeting into outer space and nobody is listening to what you have to say, or reading what you have to share. Today I’d like to share some tips to increase your Twitter engagement rate.

If you’ve noticed your Twitter engagement go down, know that it might not all be a result of what you are doing. The CTR for links has gone down significantly over the past year, but don’t worry, that doesn’t mean there aren’t things you can do to increase your engagement rate.

As we’ve written so many times before, it’s really about finding what works for you. This infographic called Twitter Tweet Cheat Sheet by Linchpin SEO offers some really great information when it comes to increasing your brand’s engagement rate on Twitter. I think it’s a mistake to put times on an infographic without listing the time zone, but other than that, this is really helpful information for anyone who is interested in Twitter engagement.

As you can see from this, using hashtags doubles your engagement. Be sure not to use too many though or Twitter might think you’re spamming. One or two hashtags is plenty. Also, when it comes to retweets, notice that tweets with links usually receive an 86% higher retweet rate. Another thing you can do as a brand to increase your engagement rate is just to be present on Twitter, respond to tweets and let people know you are there. Like they always say, showing up is half the battle!

Guide For Increasing Twitter Engagement Rate For Brands

(Click Infographic To Enlarge)


Via: [Social Media Today]