Online Dating: The Relationship Status Update [Infographic]

Online dating is completely different now than it was ten years ago. Back then if we met someone online that we thought was sponge-worthy, we kept it a secret, like we were walking on a forbidden path. I specifically remember that from back in my IRC days in the ’90s. Also, back in those days, it was considered rude to talk to more than one person online at a time (even though everyone did it). Things have evolved a lot since now we use Twitter to talk to several people at once.

Nowadays, one in every three relationships starts online, and it’s no surprise the main site nurturing those relationships is Facebook. Cyber-flirting is rampant and fun, and we’ve written about it many times on Bit Rebels. Supposedly eHarmony is responsible for 2% of all marriages in the United States, which breaks down to about 86,000 marriages each year. German psychologist, Erich H. Witte, says that in less than 10 years online dating will be the main way to start a relationship.

Lab42 decided to do a little market research on the topic, and they used the information they found to put together the infographic below. Last month, they surveyed 500 social media users over the age of 18, and they asked them these questions. It makes me laugh that 33% of people have broken up with someone via text, email or Facebook. People are funny.

Find A Date On Facebook

Via: [Trend Hunter] [For Lonely Singles]