Facebook Photos: The Astonishing Stats [Infographic]

Relatively speaking, I am still a newbie on Facebook. I’ve been on the site less than a year. It’s fun and all, but to me, it still doesn’t touch Twitter by a mile, but I know most people would probably disagree. I think most people were on Facebook long before they ever got on Twitter, but I did it the other way around, which is probably why I still haven’t really gotten bitten by the Facebook bug.

I remember after I had only been on Facebook for a few days, I wrote A Twitterholics First 3 Days on Facebook. I’ve only posted a dozen or less photos on Facebook; however, I was noticing that some of my friends have uploaded hundreds. They have them organized in photo albums and dated. Some of them go back several years.

To me, it almost looks like instead of just uploading pics to share, people upload them for the purpose of storing them. It’s like Facebook has become the default place for all photo storage. When we need a special photograph for an event, instead of dusting off those albums in the closet, we log into Facebook.

One time I remember Richard joked in one of his articles that Facebook was the world’s largest photo album. That statement always stayed with me, and I’ve been curious about this ever since. This infographic on the topic by Pixable is based on data collected from 100,000 Pixable Photofeed users combined with the research of Harvard Business School professor Mikolaj Jan Piskorski.  According to this, there are 6 BILLION photos uploaded to Facebook each month. Yeah, get ready to have your mind completely blown when you check out these other stats too. You can read the accompanying analysis of this data at Pixable.

Facebook Photo Album Statistics