20 Reasons To Switch To Google+ [Infographic]

I must say that I have gotten more and more into Google+. Little by little I am finding my way around the interface and approach. However, for some reason, I’ve had trouble picking up this social networking service and really rolling with it. There’s something about it that doesn’t meet me halfway, so to speak. I have had a way better first impression when it comes to Pinterest for example, and it seems like so have a lot of other people as well. It’s not that I don’t want to use Google+ or don’t like it, it’s just that it hasn’t struck me as the next go to service to engage. It feels like a copy of a copy almost.

It has to be said this is still my first impression that is speaking. I doubt I have spent any considerable amount of time actually trying to get into it all. In my quest to change that, I have searched for some guidance and information that might push me in the right direction. I keep thinking that it can’t just be me that feels as if Google+ is somewhat churning the wheels of an older sports car that you want, but you wouldn’t be able to afford if it wasn’t for the earlier models. I have no idea if that makes sense to you, but look at it as if there are even older sports cars that rival the new.

In order to educate myself, and perhaps a few of you as well, I have found an interesting infographic that points out the things I didn’t know yet. I feel like a noob trying to get into it all, especially since I have frequently used pretty much every other social networking site for the past 4 years or so. This infographic comes from Infographic Labs and is called 20 Reasons To Switch To Google+ (as the title implies).

It’s a set of 20 pretty roughly outlined reasons why you should use Google+ instead of all your other social networking services. Even though they are not explained in depth, they still make sense. The best reason to switch to Google+ is of course that it integrates with search, something that Google is undoubtedly best at. I still have to check out the Hangouts on Google+ since they sound like they could be a good way to interact more in real time. That is actually something I miss with all the other social networking services. They aren’t quite real time. As soon as there is a delay between an update and the update’s exposure to your following, it shouldn’t be called real time anymore. These hangouts could very well be the closest to real time that we can get in today’s social networking environment. I think having a look at this has actually spawned a new found interest in blending Google+ into my daily schedule. Are there any tips or tricks that any of you readers could share that would make it easier to get into it all? It would be greatly appreciated!

Click Infographic To Enlarge


Via: [Performancing]