Time Lapse proof of The Green House effect

You probably brush the Green House effect off like most people thinking it’s something the governments are trying to use in order for us to buy other kinds of cars, more expensive foods etc. But, did you actually take the time to check for yourself what is really happening? Did you try and Google the evidence that will more than prove to you that the Green House effect is actually occurring as we speak. And in a speed you would have never expected.

I can openly admit that I did. I didn’t think about it until I saw this time lapse put together by a bunch of scientists with James Balog in the lead just to prove to us that if we are not doing something radical right now…well you get the picture. First I thought -“Another one that is going to blow us away using grafs and statistics.” But boy was I wrong.

Using over 25 time lapse cameras all custom made and positioned on bedrock ground in several different glaciers around the world shooting pictures every for over two and a half years they have put together a STUNNING time lapse of our doom if you will.

Maybe this clip will make you care about your consumption of energy, gas, garbage etc. For me it changed everything. It’s one of the best time lapses I have ever seen. Especially the end one which they shot in almost real time. It’s just THAT scary. Enjoy!