Real Life Interaction: Dating Advice From The ’30s

Are you one of those people who is looking to find the one that will take your breath away, and the one that will take you on an everlasting adventure through life? Do you feel like your skills aren’t up to the challenge, and because of it, you are missing out on the awesomeness it could bring? There is no need to feel bad about it. Every now and then, everyone feels that way, and that is just how it is. Besides, there are no “skills” involved in the process. All you need to remember is to be yourself, and to be with the one who makes you feel comfortable, and you’ll do good. Don’t search with a lantern, don’t chase it, and definitely don’t push it away. The best adventure will stand on your doorstep when you least expect it.

There are of course a million ways you could super charge your efforts, and one of them is to learn some manners. Yeah, maybe using manners is the wrong way these days when most people pretty much don’t even know what that word means anymore. If you were to listen to some tips and tricks from back in the ’30s, it could possibly make that first date go as smooth as you want it to. This is a little helpful dating campaign tutorial aimed to give women a better chance at finding the man of their dreams. It was published back in 1930, and it made some pretty interesting claims.

Sure, don’t use the rear mirror, that would be a safety hazard. I can agree with that one. But the rest? Are those really relevant today? Was this the customary process of dating back in the ’30s? Gosh, that would be so weird to have all of these guidelines today, and honestly, women deserve more than just to follow a bunch of tutorials in order to come across like the “right” wife material. Nah, be who you are. Be yourself. Be true to yourself, and you will do just fine.

4 Dating Tips From 1930

4 Dating Tips From 1930

4 Dating Tips From 1930

4 Dating Tips From 1930

Via: [Awesome Galore]