Creative Recipe Designs: Tiramisu Illustrated 6 Delicious Ways

I remember back in 2010 when I wrote about Illustrated Recipes, which at that time was a new trend. Frequently when we see what I would describe as kitschy-cutesy little trends like that, they come and go quickly, and we all just enjoy them while they last. I’m happy to say though that this trend had some stickiness to it, and it’s turned into the way many of us prefer to read our recipes nowadays.

I very rarely pull out my old traditional cookbooks because there aren’t many pictures and quite honestly, they are boring. We’ve come to expect more from our recipes. We want to be visually stimulated in addition to reading the list of ingredients. We want to see a creative design and add that extra layer of fun to our cooking experiences.

There is a new cookbook that was just published last month called They Draw & Cook by brother and sister design team Nate Padavick and Salli Swindell. It features 107 recipe illustrations from creative artists all over the world. When you think about a recipe in your mind, do you get an artistic picture of what it might look like if you drew it on a piece of paper? It’s fun to think about. For me, recipes can have all kinds of different feels to them like homey, cozy, healthy, hard, indulgent, rich, etc… There are certain colors that represent each one of those descriptions.

If you go to this page on the They Draw & Cook website and click on any recipe category, you can see a plethora of creative illustrations representing those recipes. Take the recipe for Tiramisu for example. There are six different illustrative interpretations below for that one delicious Italian cake. I love this kind of stuff, it’s so much fun and the options are endless!

They Draw And Cook Book

They Draw And Cook Book

They Draw And Cook Book

They Draw And Cook Book

They Draw And Cook Book

They Draw And Cook Book

Via: [Randomization]