Trippy Full Face Star Wars Hoodies Cover It All

I can honestly say that I currently don’t own one single t-shirt, hoodie or any other kind of clothing with something related to Star Wars on it. How frickin sad is that, right? I don’t know why really. Either it is because I haven’t had the time to find something worthy of wearing, or I am just the worst geek ever. There are a lot of super cool ones out there, but the ones I usually go for are the retro poster t-shirts since they are the only ones I think would fetch some kind of cred when you aren’t a kid anymore. There are of course other types of clothes out there that will geek out your style just as much.

There is a new series of hoodies soon to be launched that will not only have you laughing out loud, but also cover your entire face by just zipping up the zipper. Sound odd? Well, that is because it is. These hoodies will ensure that you will be wearing one of them if you ever give someone the silent treatment. So if you’ve gotten super tired of your old branded hoodies, maybe these will spark a new interest in this particular clothing style.

Several different characters grace these hoodies, and all you really need to do is to choose the one that you think will bring out the Star Wars fan in you. I can’t help but laugh at the Stormtrooper and the Darth Vader one since they are probably the coolest of the bunch, at least in my humble opinion. The only one that I am really missing is the Yoda one. That would totally be a beast to be reckoned with. Now if your girlfriend is wearing the Princess Leia Hoodie, by all means you need to wear the Darth Vader one. It’s would be the most hilarious match ever! They will be available in August 2012 for around $70 over at Mad Engine.






Via: [Geekologie]