Possibly The Worlds Coolest Pool

Alright, I am may not be the most frequent diver in the world but I do occasionally hit the surface of the nearby pool och jacuzzi every now and then to try and relax a bit from all the work. But, even if I am not I couldn’t help but stare my eyes blind at this crazy cool and awesome pool that is possibly the most geektastic thing since the WYSIWYG user interface. Imagine the feeling of just being weightless in this massive world of purity.

No sharks or sea monsters to bother you and still you can reach all the way down to 108 feet deep. And of course it is the worlds deepest pool. It’s a multi-purpose pool for Diving Instruction, Recreational and also for Film Production. I would take anyone up on a bet on jumping into it first. However, it’s located in Brussels, Belgium so it might take me a few days to sort out a ticket and hotel. So rad!

Worlds Deepest Pool

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