Beer Hour: The Portable Personal Beer Dispenser

In all honesty, I have never been a huge beer drinker and when I do drink beer, it’s never in large quantities either.  Some people kick back when they get home and open a beer.  They sit down and just enjoy that another day’s worth of work is all over.  It’s something mythical to me since I don’t seem to end my work days at all.  Being self employed as a designer, developer, musician and writer, it’s an ongoing job.  The only thing that keeps the days apart is the sleep you manage to get between them.  However, when having a beer on a hot summer day, you might sometimes wish there was a simpler way to pour that liquid awesomeness into a glass without having the foam slowly cover your expectations of a perfect beer fast and easy.

There is now a way to get rid of that element of constant surprise, cause no matter what you do or how you do it, you’ll always end up with the foam covering at least half the glass.  Yeah, you could pivot the glass at an angle and pour the beer that way, but that never really seems to work quite to the proper level of satisfaction.

The Portable Personal Beer Dispenser is here to solve all that.  Or rather, the real name for this awesome invention is “Beer Hour.” It comes in the colors of black and yellow.  The designer is Takara Tomy, and it will be available in Japan in May.  You can pre-order it though.  The price for this life altering device is only $19.95 over at Rinkya Stores.

Pouring Beer With Beer Hour

Beer And Dispenser Size Comparison

Holding Beer Hour Dispenser

Beer Hour Dispenser Without Can