What’s New on Blip.Fm?

If you love music like me and use Blip.fm then you might have noticed the difference in the user interface.  Here is what the Blip.fm team had to say:

“Today we give Blip.fm a bit of a facelift. We’ve reworked the current feature set to make everything simpler, faster, and cleaner. There’s not a whole lot of *new* stuff in this update, but you’ll notice that all the existing functionality is just more refined.

Under the hood there’s a lot going on, and it’s getting us ready for a big set of new features we’ve already started working on. Here’s a partial list of what’s been changed:

  • Simplified top-level menu to get you to the three main streams (everyone, your favorite DJs, and yours)
  • Easy access to all your stats and pages at the top right of every page
  • Continuous scrolling for each station (eventually it’ll be continuous play throughout the entire site)
  • Easily pause / resume the blipstream (auto-update when new blips are available)
  • Easily add and toggle social networks you send notifications to on a blip-by-blip basis
  • Sort favorite djs and listeners by last blip, by date added, and alphabetically
  • Bandwith-limited users can now easily skip video blips
  • Improved profile page
  • Improved site performance

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