Pica Pic: Play All Those Retro Handheld Games Online!

I think almost everyone got to play the small handheld monochrome gaming pods when they were kids. It was the coolest gadget a kid could have, and we walked around with it to let everyone else see us play it. That’s how us geeks did it, and we always watched to see if there were any other kids around with different games so we could just swap them out for a second or two. That way we could try to master that one as well. The games back then were not as advanced as they are today. They were all in 2D or in a tweaked perspective, which meant they were in fake 3D. We liked them anyway, and we played them as much back then as we do today, well, until the batteries were pretty much all out and we had to buy new ones.

Oh how I miss those days. I am sure that you could fetch a nice price for a pristine copy of those handhelds, so if you’re the owner of a rare one, make sure you lock it up in a vault or something so you can cash in your pension once you are ready to do that. If you don’t have one, and if you still miss playing those games, now there is an awesome way of doing it. I am talking about the all new Pica Pic website.

It’s a site entirely dedicated to those retro handheld games, and you will be able to find them ALL in there. It’s just jam-packed, and all you have to do is choose which one you want to play and you’re off. The interfaces are taken straight from the games themselves, so there is no denying that these are the REAL deal. You can even get the whole controller handheld thingie to play with. All the buttons are there, and the graphics are flawless and exactly the same. It’s truly like playing the games for real! So go and check out those retro games, and be sure to hit up the high scores because they are available for all of the games. It’s pretty neat if you ask me!

Retro Handheld Console Gaming Website

Retro Handheld Console Gaming Website

Retro Handheld Console Gaming Website

Retro Handheld Console Gaming Website