Volkswagen’s New Ad Hit: The Star Wars Theme Barked By Dogs

It’s that time of the year again. It’s the time when we are all awaiting the badass commercials during the Super Bowl. Last year, the “winner” and the one commercial that struck all viewers right in the heart was of course the Volkswagen Darth Vader Star Wars ad. It went viral before it was even shown at the Super Bowl. It was more than brilliant, and we were all laughing and going, “Awww” before it ended. Now it is a new year, and we are eager to find out about this year’s blockbuster ads, right? To no one’s surprise, Volkswagen has yet another Star Wars themed ad they are going to play during the Super Bowl.

Will it have as big of an impact as the previous one? I guess the only people who can decide that is you. This year, they are blasting us with the Star Wars theme song sung by… dogs. On second thought, maybe the word “sung” isn’t exactly the right one to use. It’s actually barked by the dogs. Cute? Definitely! But I don’t feel it is as impressive or funny as the one they had last year. I am pretty sure it will go viral though, considering that it is insanely cute.

Everyone loves dogs, so why wouldn’t this one go viral as well, right? I must admit however that I have trouble sometimes hearing the soundtrack for all the barks, if you know what I mean. Some of the melodies are scrambled up a bit, and it’s hard to hear the true theme in it. Maybe that is a harsh judgement since we are talking about dogs, but that’s just my initial assessment. Wow, I just took this one too seriously, didn’t I? Well, it is a brilliant ad regardless. Will it be the one we will all remember for the rest of the year until the next batch of badass commercials are revealed? As you know by now, you decide.

Volkswagen Dog Star Wars Theme

Volkswagen Dog Star Wars Theme

Volkswagen Dog Star Wars Theme

Volkswagen Dog Star Wars Theme

Volkswagen Dog Star Wars Theme

Via: [InventorSpot]