Willy Wonka Everlasting Gobstopper Origami

If you watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, you know that Willy Wonka designed Everlasting Gobstoppers to last forever. It’s a candy that never loses its flavor, and it was specifically created for children who don’t have very much money to buy a lot of candy.

Although this origami design is not necessarily supposed to look like an Everlasting Gobstopper, Rachel Mansur at Wonder How To calls them that, and that’s good enough for me. I agree, they look just like them!

The video below is a great tutorial, and it actually shows each step in a way that seems like it would be easy. However, I’ve heard this kind of origami can be tricky. If it’s your first time folding a modular origami like this, you might want to wait until you’re feeling extra patient. If you would prefer learning this technique in a traditional tutorial, instead of learning it through a video, you can click over to Modular Origami: How To Make Cube Octahedron Icosahedrons From Sonobe Units. Wow, I could barely spell that, I don’t know if I would be able to make it. It’s very cool though! Someday when I’ve got a spare two or three hours, I’ll give it a shot.

Willy Wonka Style Paper Fold

Willy Wonka Style Paper Folds

Willy Wonka Candy Paper Folds

Willy Wonka Style Paper Folds

Willy Wonka Style Paper Fold