Unfreakingbelievable Watermelon Carvings

It’s almost summer, which means it’s time to start spending more time outside with friends and loved ones. One of my favorite parts of the summer is planning fun BBQs and going to the park. Eating watermelon is a summertime tradition here in Atlanta, and I thought a fun way to kick off the season would be to feature some fabulous watermelon carvings.

These types of carvings are popular in Thailand and Japan, and they are often used as a centerpiece on the table. People carve all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Pineapples, apples, cantaloupe and even bananas can be carved. Although I’ve never seen any of these in person, they remind me of the intricate Halloween pumpkins many of us attempt to carve. Of course, I’ve never carved anything this incredible and detailed, but I would love to learn how to do it!

Apparently in some countries, this form of carving is an art that is passed down from generation to generation. There are so many things to consider when deciding to try this. Everything from the size of the fruit, to the ripeness to the temperature play a part in how the end result will look. I found some basic techniques for you to check out at Asia Recipe. These examples below blow my mind. I can’t even imagine how long it must take to carve one of these! I think my favorite watermelon carving of all is still the Watermelon Death Star. Star Wars #ftw

Amazing Carved Watermelon Sculptures

Amazing Carved Watermelon Sculptures

Amazing Carved Watermelon Sculptures

Amazing Carved Watermelon Sculptures

Amazing Carved Watermelon Sculptures

Amazing Carved Watermelon Sculptures

Amazing Carved Watermelon Sculptures

Amazing Carved Watermelon Sculptures

Amazing Carved Watermelon Sculptures

Amazing Carved Watermelon Sculptures

Amazing Carved Watermelon Sculptures

Via: [Pickchur] [Webpark]