Star Wars If Dr. Seuss Had Created It!

Let’s revisit Star Wars yet again and see what we can get from its odd and ultimately creative and inspirational imaginary world. There are a lot of “Star Wars if…” mashups to be found on the Internet. I have no doubt in my mind that we will look at Star Wars as old and obsolete technology sometime in the future, oh say, in about 200 years or so. But for now, it’s one of the most revisited worlds to derive inspiration when inventors and scientists are thinking up new and exciting technologies. If George Lucas wouldn’t have thought up the idea of a futuristic world from the start, I wonder what would have happened with all the geekyness that resides in its concept.

That’s when the thought hit cartoonist Adam Watson. What would have happened if Dr. Seuss had the idea first? Even just thinking about Star Wars if Dr. Seuss created it will take your mind on a wild ride. What would it have looked like? Well, you don’t have to imagine it yourself, Adam does it for you with his unbelievably funny Dr. Seuss incarnated Star Wars pictures.

If I wasn’t so attached to the concept of Star Wars, I would certainly not mind at all if Dr. Seuss had sprung out the idea of Star Wars. I would gladly read these stories to my kid and not give it another thought. Not only is it cleverly done, it’s ingeniously funny as well. Simply two for two!

Discover Star Wars If Dr. Seuss Had Created It







