Relief Paintings Turn Flat Art Into Realistic Color Explosions

Life comes in many forms and shapes, and the one we experience daily isn’t much different from that. What we call reality is sometimes turned into weird and odd events that our mind has trouble understanding, yet there is a beauty to it that we all embrace and appreciate. It’s easy to draw a connection between life and art because of the mere reason that most art is based or explained in terms that have a lot in common with experiences in life itself. There are of course a lot of different artworks that push the boundaries of what we call art in general, and they bring a new perspective to things in the form of a, for lack of a better explanation, new perspective.

A different perspective has been introduced into street art as well, and it is all thanks to French artist Shaka aka Marchal Mithouard. What Marchal does is not the conventional way of adding creativity to our public world, but rather he brings a different reality and perspective to it. Yeah, I know I’ve used that word a lot; however, there is of course a reason for that which you will definitely understand once you check out the awesomeness of Marchal’s artwork.

His artwork isn’t just an explosion of colors and motifs, it is also done in full 3D. What that means is that they are simply relief paintings that even a blind person can appreciate. Run your fingers down the artwork, and you will be able to tell exactly what it is you are looking at. The combination of the colors, the busy motifs and the awesome 3D perspective is making these pieces of street art pop out and detach themselves from what other street artists are doing, and it has become a huge hit among the people living around them. This is certainly a baller idea for how to make your street just a little bit more creative and inspirational. I am truly mesmerized by all these so called paintings.

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings

French Relief Street Artist Paintings