Razor Sharp Animal Sculptures Made From Shattered CDs

There’s no longer anyone out there who is looking to save the CD as a music medium, or at least that’s what all the statistics are suggesting. It’s hard to say at this point if the CD will go the same way vinyl records once did. Less and less CDs are being sold as more and more digital music files are bought so everything is pointing in that direction. It’s a necessary development to stay on top of the technology trends and to find new ways to make money on music. I am most certain that some CDs will be kept as collectibles while others will be destroyed or even recycled. I had a huge CD collection before I moved, but I’ve since thrown half of it away. I just didn’t have room for them all, and after transferring them all to my computer, I no longer had any use for them.

What can you really do with them when they no longer have any use? Is there a way to recycle them into something that we here at Bit Rebels call a second hand use? Of course there is. Just have a look at the insanely detailed art created by devianART artist Sean Avery, who seemingly doesn’t know any boundaries when it comes to his creative output. The intricate and razor sharp edge towards design will certainly make a lasting impression on a lot of people.

By completely shattering the CDs and then using the shards to create animal sculptures, he manages to catch even the most skeptic viewer off guard. We’re talking several hundreds of shards assembled into stunning lifelike animals that defy not only time itself, but also any logic about what you thought was possible to do with a CD. I can’t remember when I last saw something this intricate and dedicated when it comes to recycled art. It’s amazing to see that people keep finding new uses for what we used to hold precious and dear in a previous time and age. I urge you to check out more of his creations over at Sean’s deviantART page.









Via: [Colossal]