Pollution Paintings: Beautiful Art Created With Filthy Smog

Pollution and smog in big cities around the world is becoming more and more of a problem with regard to the quality of air that we breathe. I live in a big city, and when I’m here, I don’t notice it so much. However, when I escape to the mountains or take a walk outside the city on a nature trail, I notice the contrast a lot. Taking a deep breath full of fresh, crisp air is like getting a shot of adrenaline, and it feels so good.

Different people around the world react to smog and pollution in different ways, but I don’t think any are as creative as what Alessandro Ricci does. He uses smog as the primary medium in his paintings in order to raise awareness about the pollution in his city (in Italy).

He climbs up on a ladder to find smog settled on a monument or a building ledge. He then uses a damp piece of cotton to rub it off the surface. After that, he uses what is collected on the cotton ball to paint (rub) directly onto his canvas. I’m sure I am simplifying the process a bit, but you get the general idea. All of the paintings below were created this way, and as you can see, it’s incredible! It really puts into perspective how much smog accumulates on the surfaces of everything in the space where we live.

Man Paints With Pollution

Man Paints With Pollution

Man Paints With Pollution

Man Paints With Pollution

Man Paints With Pollution

Via: [Oddity Central]