Mark Zuckerberg Portrait Created From Carved & Stacked Books

When you are inspired by someone famous (like Steve Jobs, a human rights activist, a creative artist, a technology wizard, a mentor or anyone else who lights the spark within you), you might read about that person online, tweet about him or her, and you might even write a blog post from time to time about that person, right?

When that happens to Hong Yi (aka Red), she takes a different approach. She creates a portrait of that person from things that aren’t usually used to create portraits. For example, she created a coffee spill portrait and a portrait made from 750 pairs of socks, just to name a few.

She is developing a style that is all her own, and I’m starting to be able to recognize her art before I even see that she’s the one who created it. Her newest portrait, like many of her previous ones, comes in the form of a sculpture. It is simply entitled Facebook. Since she lives in Shanghai, her previous portraits have been of popular Chinese icons, but since she recently visited the States, she wanted to create something to remember her visit here. She wanted to choose one of the most famous Americans, and of course before long she realized it had to be Mark Zuckerberg.

To create this incredible portrait, she used a knife to slice grooves into 36 fat books, which took her 7 days (she used Game of Thrones since it’s such a thick book). She then stacked the books all on top of each other. The shadows and contours from her slicing and dicing are what create Mark Zuckerberg’s face. You can watch her time lapse video of how she did it below. It’s crazy that throughout this process, she was careful to only cut the edges of the books, so they are all still completely readable. Brilliant!

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Via: [My Modern Met]