DIY Mod: Retro Television Transformed Into A Badass Bar

This retro TV is such a beauty in its original form, but when it’s transformed into this super sweet bar, well, it’s goes from retro brilliance to retro badass. I’ve never seen one of these televisions since they were before my time, but I have pictures of my grandmother watching one in her living room.

Back in the old days, when these old-fashioned televisions were popular, people used to gather around it and watch shows together. Now that we all have our mobile devices and social media sites, I don’t know of any family who gathers to watch regular television shows anymore. Most families I know spend most of their time doing this instead of watching TV.

If you’ve got one of these TVs in your attic or basement taking up space, here’s a great way to give it a new life and purpose. You can turn it into your own geeky bar with a retro touch. According to The Spotted Fox, you just have to gut the inside, cut a piece of glass to fit inside for the shelf, load it up with your favorite liquors and add some Christmas lights for decoration. If I was to do this, I’d probably need help with gutting it. I mean, knowing me, I’d blow something up or something. Regardless, this is such a cool mod!

Old Fashioned Television Set

Old Fashioned Television Set Mod

Via: [Craft]