Creative Twitter Facebook & Google+ Propaganda Posters

Is there really a war going on between social media sites? I don’t think so, do you? Some people just like to make drama to spice things up a little. I have to admit; it does make it a little more interesting as we watch how it all plays out.

Here’s a question to bake your noodle. If you had to choose only one social media site to be on, which would it be? Is that a hard decision? For me it’s easy, I would choose Twitter. I would guess most people would probably choose Facebook. Of course, I’ve seen many people on Google+ write that they’ve given up Facebook completely and transitioned over to Google+. Would anyone choose LinkedIn or any of the other social sites as their only one?

What if you worked for one of those sites and you had to print advertisements to promote it? Etsy member Justonescarf created these fun social media propaganda posters. I really like these because he took a different approach than what we normally see. The colors, the style and the messages are all unique, and I like them! I think the fail whale picture is my favorite. You can purchase one of these posters in Justonescarf’s Etsy store. Very well done!

Twitter Fail Whale Illustration

Twitter Be Brief Illustration

Facebook Sign Up Notecard Illustration

Google Plus + Circles Illustration

Share the Victory Google Illustration

Google Plus + Fun Illustration

Victory Is Tweet Fun Illustration

Facebook Join The Cause Illustration

Facebook Like Fun Illustration

Via: [Design Milk]