Cool Cupcake Creations | Food Inspiration

I really don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but one thing is for sure, I love cup cakes. I can’t seem to say no when someone offers me one! Especially the chocolate flavored ones. Nom Nom! When I was younger I remember my mom baking dozens of them every week and we would have them as snacks, but they were not as fancy as the ones that you see today.

I am totally blown away by these creations. When I look at them, I see works of art. The meticulous attention to detail and the amount of creativity is just overwhelming! I remember last year when we had a mad hatter party in my office, my officemate, Marga, brought undecorated cupcakes and had a bunch of colored icings. All of us were asked to decorate one or two and it was not easy! Although we did have fun eating them after the winning cupcake was announced.

I put together some of my favorite creations. These are totally too amazing to eat! lol I am sure they taste as great as they look!

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