Freaky Unicorn Sculptures: Let The Nightmares Begin

Maybe I’ve been watching too many horror movies lately or not getting enough sleep. For some reason, I’ve been finding some really scary stuff online lately, and it’s creeping me out. A few days ago I brought you these completely strange Brutal Knitting masks. Today, it’s something even more bone chilling.

I remember as a little girl always thinking that unicorns were beautiful angelic creatures who innocently frolicked in the forest, adding love and light everywhere they pranced. In my mind, you could always find a rainbow close to where the unicorns lived. Of course, when I thought that, I was five. The artist who created these had a different idea about what a unicorn looks like.

Don’t get me wrong, these are fabulous horse sculptures, I’ve never seen anything like them. However, now I have to go do something happy to get them out of my mind or they will haunt me all day. I don’t think I’ll ever think of unicorns the same way again. I’d like to give the artist who created these creatures proper credit. The website listed on the pictures is not a working site, but after doing a quick search in Google images, I traced them back to Indigo-Ocean on deviantART. Girl, you got some mad talent!

Bizarre Unicorn Scary Sculptures

Bizarre Unicorn Deviantart Creations

Scary Unicorn Deviantart Creations

Scary Unicorn Deviantart Creations

Scary Unicorn Deviantart Creations

Scary Unicorn Deviantart Creations

Scary Unicorn Deviantart Creations

Scary Unicorn Deviantart Creations