Ultimate iPhone Dock For The Retro Traveling Geek

It’s funny how a new gadget can make you stop using your old gadgets. Take the iPhone 5 for example with its new Lightning connector. I keep wondering how many people have put their old, still functioning docks and gadgets in a corner never to be used again. It’s sad, and the overpriced adapter doesn’t really make it viable to get one to be honest. People are just waiting for all the new gear that will eventually flood the market so they can shower themselves in accessories. But there is still hope for a revolution of the old gear I reckon, especially when the ultimate iPhone dock is nothing less than an old camcorder worthy of the ultimate geek. Maybe then a few extra bucks spent on the adapter would be worth it.

When the ultimate iPhone dock goes from being a small extravagant piece of technology to a vintage upcycled creation, that’s when I have to check it out. Once again, we are faced with someone’s extraordinary imagination, and it’s thanks to iasVintage that we now have this odd yet ultimate iPhone dock. It’s right there at our fingertips if we want it. It may be a little bit bulky, but that won’t matter when it fills your home or office with all kinds of retro memories.

The features that the ultimate iPhone dock should have of course vary from person to person, but I think this one should fit the taste of most geeks. It’s currently available for just $49.00. Yup, it’s a pretty welcoming price for such an iPhone dock, wouldn’t you agree? It’s all your memories combined into one “little” epic dock. This iPhone Panasonic camcorder dock has all kinds of cool features. Well, I am still curious to find out whether the keyboard works or not, but the light can be used with a dimmer, and this badboy works with the new Lightning to 30 pin connector adapter so nothing to worry about there I guess. This is retro traveling at its best.

iasVintage’s Ultimate iPhone Dock Camcorder

(Click To Enlarge)





Via: [Technabob]