PS Square: The Only Mobile Device I Would Ever Need

Concept design can sometimes take the form of futuristic technologies not yet stumbled upon.  Usually they are odd and deal with features that we normally don’t use at all.  However, sometimes there are concept designs that strike you to the point that you would be prepared to put your life at stake just to be able to get one in real life.  It doesn’t happen often, if at all, but when that does happen, your whole look on the smart mobile device genre is changed and pivoted forever.  We recently saw what Apple had in store for us with their all new iPad 2.  It’s a truly magnificent machine if I may say so.  The features are just awesome, and the package is even sleeker than the original one.

However, I’m going to dare to go out on a limb here.  The PS Square is the only device I would ever need, if it were to ever come down to that.  Hirotaka Matsui, the designer behind this device, has changed my outlook on mobile devices forever with his sexy gadget.  It’s a Sony concept design machine that bundles up a smartphone and a hand held console with the cool features of a tablet.

Yeah, when you look at the images after reading this, you will probably, if not most certainly, be as impressed as I am right now.  The lines and the coolness of this gadget are beyond geeky, and if it ever becomes a reality, you can expect to see me at the pole position of that launch line at the store.  This thing is just off the hook, and if you’re a geek like me, you will definitely see the outlandish magic in it.  It’s pure geekiness all bundled in a sexy package.  What more can I say?  It’s brilliantly conceived!  Brilliant!

Awesome Concept Mobile Device Design

Awesome Concept Mobile Device Design

Awesome Concept Mobile Device Design

Awesome Concept Mobile Device Design

Awesome Concept Mobile Device Design

Awesome Concept Mobile Device Design

Awesome Concept Mobile Device Design

Awesome Concept Mobile Device Design

Awesome Concept Mobile Device Design

Awesome Concept Mobile Device Design