Paper Clock: Recyclable Alarm Clock With An Analog Twist

Sometimes the best innovations are the ones brought to life by the simple means in our lives. We have written about it quite often here on Bit Rebels. We’ve written about many people who have created the most mind-boggling things with just LEGO, scraps or even paper. I recently wrote about a guy who had a dream to create cardboard furniture so he went ahead and did it. This paper clock is a similar innovation, and as the name suggests, it’s created out of paper.

We are definitely in favor of recyclable innovations and this paper clock, as obvious as it might sound, is a recyclable creation worth spending a few minutes on. It was brought to reality by master tinkerer and Instructable user alstroemeria, and it is a feat of innovation. The paper clock itself is based and inspired by Alvin Aronson’s minimalist timepiece. It is something that anyone who likes sleek and clean gadgets will completely drool over.

What makes the paper clock so awesome is that instead of using LEDs as time tellers, it uses analog moving parts to send the digits in and out of the clock. The effect is that the shadows created become the actual time tellers. That is some serious mind work that was put into making this a reality. But once it is completely put together, the paper clock is one of the coolest clocks that you will ever put on your desk.

The creator of this clock tutorial plays with the thought of using a 3D printer to print the parts, but since he doesn’t have one, he didn’t use that. Instead, it’s made of ready made components that make the process a little bit easier for anyone who wants to follow this tutorial. I have to say, the cleanliness of this clock makes it seem like it is machined into perfection, but it is not. Have a look at the full tutorial and see the marvel that makes up its inner workings.

D/A Clock -The Innovative Paper Clock





Via: [Technabob] [VVORK]