iOS ’86: If The iPhone Was Released In The 1980s

Everything we see on the screen today has gone through some sort of development process. The look, feel and usability has evolved through time, and that is pretty much the process for every gadget, software or service that we all use today, even the ones you have created yourself. It always starts with an idea that slowly evolves into something that you can use. Usually the purpose is personal, but later on adapted by millions of people. That is how success stories are usually made, and that is how things have progressed for the last 30-40 years in technology. What would happen if we took our gear and traveled back in time? What would the things look like then?

This is of course called retrification, and it is a huge part of the geek community. Time traveler and graphic artist Anton Repponen (assuming he is from Finland) took this thought one step further. Anton has actually taken the iPhone and brought it back to the decade of 1980. By adapting the graphical interface and mixing it with the way the iPhone works today, he managed to push out an idea that is quite interesting and thought provoking.

What if Apple would have released the iPhone back in 1980? What would it look like and how would it feel to play around with? Well, you can derive the answer from these 6 images that certainly boost any kind of smartphone into the 21st century with little effort when compared to the smartphones we have today. I think this is a brilliant concept, and I would love it if there were some kind of mod that allowed me to click on a monochrome screen on my iPhone whenever I wanted. In hopes that this will one day happen, I am left with just being able to look at these awesome images.







Via: [UFunk – French]