Hologram Wrist Phone | The Next Gen Cell Phones?

Everyone is trying to come up with the next generation cool gadget but most doesn’t even come close to the success of the most sought after gadgets. Searches goes beyond the material boundaries and some companies even spend silly amounts of money trying to incorporate the phone into our very own biological protection layer, the skin. There is a lot of speculation going on where things might be heading in the year of 2010 but it’s really anyones guess what will make us all greed over having it.

Some suggest that the “Palm Phone” (striking sounding like the Palm Pilot, however this really means it) will be the next phone that everyone will use. It’s a wearable wrist phone that easily can be twisted into a palm projected dial pad on which you can maneuver the many features of the phone. I am sure that there’s even going to be a video mode on the phone which somewhat brings it to sound like something straight taken from Star Trek.

However, I think we have a long way to go in order to be able to accept such a concept. We’re far too used to the touchscreen and the many applications that can be utilized with it to step back and get half the features just in order to have it projected and worn on our wrists. But this again only my own suggestions and ideas. With a bit of development maybe this could be something cool and unusual but that’s really up to some heavy guessing. At the present time this is of course only a concept and there’s no telling if it will ever be realized.

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