Email Overload: Should You Really Send That Email? [Infographic]

I have such a love hate relationship with email. I went through a time about a year ago when I’d go days without checking it because it was so annoying to me. People starting using Twitter DM and Facebook messaging to get in touch with me since email wasn’t a fast option. Since then, I’ve come to accept that email is still part of our business culture (as outdated as it is), and now I check it often throughout the day.

I am still blown away by the amount of spam though. I’m not surprised that people still want to spam others, but I’m surprised because I would think spamming is a completely ineffective way to do any kind of marketing. I suppose it works though since people are still doing it.

A friend of mine, David Henzel from MaxCDN, doesn’t seem to be annoyed by the number of emails, but more by the length of each one. He has the personal policy that all email responses regardless of recipient or subject will be three sentences or less. You can learn more about that at It basically turns emails into SMS texts.

Online IT Degree recently created an infographic called Should I Send This Email?. It’s a humorous look at the state of email these days, and it’s a lot of fun to read. I was blown away that the typical office worker sends and receives 110 emails per day, which takes about 13 hours each week. Dang!

Email Overload Etiquette Chart