Tag: Wired

Thread & Nail Portraits: Life On A String

Thread & Nail Portraits: Life On A String

When someone masters the art they are continuously learning, I am always heavily impressed. It's like watching someone put their entire being into the ...
Flashback to 1975: The First Kodak Digital Camera

Flashback to 1975: The First Kodak Digital Camera

We all love our digital cameras, don't we? Lately, with all the super cool photography apps available, many people don't even carry a digital camera ...
Two iPod Touch Prototypes With Camera Surfaces On Ebay

Two iPod Touch Prototypes With Camera Surfaces On Ebay

As if the world wasn't in enough chaos over Apple's monumental loss of the new iPhone model, we're now seeing a flood of new prototypes surfacing on t ...
The Social Media Diet

The Social Media Diet

Americans spend roughly nine hours in front of some sort of monitor each day. Check out this illustration by Jason Lee published in Wired. The soci ...
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