Twitter 2012: The Projected Stats & Facts [Infographic]

It’s easy to start looking for a new platform to connect, network, promote or just socialize on when the ones you have been using for a long time start to get either too crowded or stagnated. The thing is, the only way to “reach out” to people after a while is to find new and fresh approaches to the same service. If you can do that, there are still ways you can make an impact on, for example, Twitter. With the rapid growth of Twitter in the past few years, it can be hard to keep up. The social site has gone through many transformations when it comes to facelifts, and keeping focused on your path can easily get exhausting when you have to learn a new interface over and over again.

It seems Twitter is one of the social networking services that pretty much does everything right, at least when it comes to making money and making sure their revenue grows. After they successfully injected a new advertising format into Twitter, they made amazing progress in this area. For 2012, Twitter is projected to make an insane $259 million in revenue. It’s a truly impressive result considering it wasn’t too long ago that they decided to add advertising on Twitter.

This is not the only area where Twitter has progressed quite a lot. Have a look at this fresh infographic from Infographic Labs. It presents data that will have anyone question their doubts that Twitter won’t be long lived and keep growing. The site that was founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone and Evan Williams is definitely going to be around for quite a while by the looks of it. So, to sum this infographic up, I would say that it’s not the tools that will determine your success on Twitter, it’s how you use them.

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