The Complete Google+ Cheatsheet [Infographic]

We are just getting warmed up with Google+, and some people claim to master it already. Well, I honestly think that is a little bit too soon to announce to the world since the service hasn’t been up very long, and things are still being implemented, changed and refined. Personally, I haven’t gotten passed all the features about the circles. Some of them are not easy to use without reading about them first. The primary thing we want in a new social media service is a simple user interface and a straight forward use.

Techno Streak knows this, and they have spent a little time compiling the most important user shortcuts to manage your social media fix a little faster and easier over at Google+. They turned the information into a really useful cheatsheet for everyone to download. I am sure we will see more features pop up in the near future that will make the whole thing not only more user friendly but also more addicting.

Twitter and Facebook have done the same. They roll out new features all the time, and it’s helping us find new ways to use these connection hubs between people and companies. I still think that Google+ has a long way to go until we know its true value and what it can give us when it comes to personal interaction and what it can offer businesses around the world. Don’t get me wrong, but the service isn’t out of its “newborn” status just yet. The question is really, what are you using Google+ for?

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The Complete Google+ Cheatsheet Infographic