The Science Of Getting Drunk [Infographic]

Having a cold beer on a hot summer’s day is something that you can look forward to when winter is all up in your grill and all you can do is stutter your way over to your wardrobe to get a pair of extra socks. I have to admit that I don’t drink much even though I should probably take a few minutes off every once in a while on Fridays. However, work seems to keep me inspired and as long as it does, there are simply too many things to create and maintain for any alcoholic beverages to consume my time. That doesn’t keep me from wondering just what happens to the body once you actually do get the alcohol into your system though.

I bet a lot of people are pouring down the goodness without even knowing why they get all talkative and “weird.” It just doesn’t matter it seems. At the same time, why would you worry when you are having such a great time with your friends and you get to enjoy a few brewskis for a change? Well, if you have ever thought about it and wondered just why that head of yours starts spinning and why you feel sick the day after, I think I might just have the answers you are looking for.

It so happens that Amog compiled a whole lot of information and data into one of those geeky infographics that will certainly explain all those stupid things you did last time you were drunk. It will literally take you through The Science Of Getting Drunk, which coincidentally is also the title of the infographic itself. You will learn exactly what happens to the brain and body when alcohol is screwing up your system as well as what it takes to get drunk in the first place.

I guess you could call this your ultimate guide to getting drunk since it will no doubt spawn a lot of questions about whether the chart at the bottom is correct or not. The only way to know is to try it out I guess to actually see if the first tiers match. I strongly advise you NOT to go further than that since your last destination is the heavens above, and we totally wouldn’t want that. So I guess you are just a little bit more educated about the science of alcohol and what it does to you, and now you should be able to either know your limits or just crunk it out regardless. After all, a couple of beers every once in a great while never hurt anyone… Or?

Click Infographic To Enlarge


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