World’s Only Life-Size Chocolate Car Is Now Complete

The holidays are over, and we are slowly emptying the candy bowls one by one. Everyone’s “new” life has once again begun. People’s new year’s resolutions are settling in, and this time around people intend to keep them intact. But we all know how that goes each and every year. The most common new year’s resolution could possibly be to get in better shape, which is something most of us could benefit from. After all, we are all in front of the screen quite a lot. For some of us, the sweet tooth is constantly whispering to go all out on the sweets. Some people are able to keep their sweet tooth in check, while others pretty much abandon all hope and go for it. This chocolate car could definitely be one of the factors that will make you abandon your new year’s resolution.

Philadelphia based sculptors Jim Victor and Marie Pelton decided their next project would speak to the world through the sweet tooth. Their goal was to create a chocolate sculpture that no one had ever seen before. Let me tell you, at least I have never seen a chocolate car before, and for sure not a life-size chocolate car. The cool thing about it is that you “could” actually drive it. That is if you could see through the windshield.

The way they created this chocolate car wonder was to put layers and layers of chocolate on top of the No. 18 Toyota Camry M&M race car. Slowly they began to build up enough chocolate to make it look as if the entire car was just one big chocolate car sculpture. You’d have to be very careful about taking a bite out of this sweet ride. Bite too deeply and you would most certainly have to schedule an appointment at the old dentist’s office. I think we could definitely call this chocolate car a sweet ride. After all, it’s made out of delicious looking chocolate.

Jim Victor & Marie Pelton’s Chocolate Car Sculpture

(Click Images To Enlarge)





Via: [DesignBoom]