Artistic Breakfast: Japanese Anime Toast Art That Is Too Pretty To Eat

If you’re going to drink the fancy latte art that’s been spread around the Internet lately, it only makes sense to complement it with another delicious art piece. How about some toast art? We’ve written about toast art before, and although I’ve never made any myself, I think I’ve figured out one of the key elements to adding the interesting effects. It’s all about only toasting certain portions of the bread. Let me give you an example so you can see what I mean.

If you click over to A Toaster Made Out Of Toast, which is a gigantic mural made out of pieces of toast, you’ll see that the bread is toasted to different degrees of white, light brown, dark brown and black. By experimenting with different degrees of heat, you can create different effects with your toast. If you click over to Adorable Toast Art, you’ll see the same thing.

The toast art you see below requires a lot more skill than just knowing how to toast the bread though. Japanese artist Hittomii uses cocoa powder, green tea powder and other powders (possibly white chocolate powder?) to create this beautiful artwork. You can see there is also some stenciling and cut-out areas too. This is definitely not as easy as it might look. One thing is for sure, this toast art is way too pretty to eat!

So the next time you stumble into the kitchen in the morning and drop a piece of bread into the toaster, just know there is a whole canvas right there for you to create some badass art. You don’t need fancy art tools or a bunch of materials. In this case, all you need is a toaster (or oven), some bread, a few powders from your cupboard and a whole lot of imagination.

Japanese Toast Art

(Click Images To Enlarge)










Via: [That’s Nerdalicious] [Kotaku]