Expert Certificate: When To Call Yourself An Expert [Infographic]

When people try to take on new clients, they often call themselves experts at whatever it is they do in order to capture the attention of their potential new client. Of course, after the new client is theirs, they need to deliver on that claim as well. That should be nothing but a walk in the park, or at least that is what some people think when they set out to take on the world and become successful. So, exactly what does it take for you to be able to call yourself an expert at something? Or as I call it, when do you actually get the expert certificate? There is a famous method for breaking all that down which allows you to track your progress through all of it.

In a new infographic from Zintro (developed by NowSourcing), it is explained more in depth. The infographic is called Practice Makes Perfect, and it is a look inside the 10,000 hour rule theory to get the expert certificate. What that basically says is that it will take you about 10,000 hours of practice in order to get the expert certificate to call yourself an expert. The 10,000 hour theory originates from a book by Malcolm Gladwell called Outliers and is a theory that has been debated and adapted many times over in the world.

It’s a simple yet eye opening theory that takes Bill Gates and the Beatles as prime examples of how this theory is perfectly calibrated and works. So, if you ever want to call yourself an expert, you better put your back into it and do your work, or in other words, practice a lot. It’s not easy to get the expert certificate, but it’s not impossible either. All it takes is dedication and a heck of a lot of determination, and you will hit the 10,000 hour mark in no time at all.

I have mentioned it many times before, but just because you feel you have the bits and bolts under control, it doesn’t mean you are an expert. Or, as some prefer to call themselves, a guru. If you don’t have the 10,000 hours to prove that you are worthy of the expert certificate, don’t roll in the glory because it doesn’t suit you. First do the work, then roll in the fame. That’s the only way you will be able to get the respect and the true recognition for your work. Well, it doesn’t hurt to have a good idea either. Time is valuable, and 10,000 hours should definitely allow you to put an expert certificate seal of approval on that business card of yours.

Click Expert Certificate Theory Infographic To Enlarge
