Zelda Chess: The Ultimate Hand Carved Geek Creation

Chess is one of the oldest board games ever created, and it puts our skills to the ultimate test. Our opponent is what lies between us and an honorable victory, so playing smart is the only thing we should care about. However, that’s not such an easy task, and we need many years of practice to master this completely brain driven sport. Yes, it actually is considered a sport, and there are thousands upon thousands of players digging their braincells into the strategy of this game on a daily basis. I have never gotten into the game full on, but as a kid I played it with my brother a bit. Of course he always won since he is a bit older than I am, but as time progressed, I learned his moves and started to win a few times.

Even though tactics and strategy are the main components to this game, the form and shape of it has pretty much been the same through the years since it was first created some 1,500 years ago in India. So what could you possibly want more than a customized and themed chess board that will match the geekiness of your very own self? It must of course be the awesomest chess board of them all, the Zelda themed one.

It’s created by chess player and designer Benjamin Howard (a.k.a. Fizz Man Industries) who is a game character lover of rank. It’s no wonder he took this project on since he loves everything that has to do with gaming. What really makes this whole thing uber awesome is the fact that Benjamin hand carved each piece of this chess board from scratch. No molds were used, and that my friends has to be the most awesome thing to date. I mean, the time alone it must have taken to create it is just mind boggling. I wouldn’t even dare to estimate the value of this thing. It must be worth a fortune in labor alone, not to mention affection value. Awesomeness defined!

Zelda Hand Carved Chess Board

Zelda Hand Carved Chess Board

Zelda Hand Carved Chess Board

Zelda Hand Carved Chess Board

Zelda Hand Carved Chess Board

Zelda Hand Carved Chess Board