Yoshi From Super Mario Recreated As Insane Mecha Toy!

When I was young, toys were a lot less technology oriented than they are now. Today it seems toys won’t be called toys if they can’t message people on the other side of the planet, and help you to rule the world in some odd way. What happened to the metal toy cars and the crayon books that could keep you busy for a least a whole 15 minutes? What’s more striking is that the details the toys have today are far more realistic than they used to be. Nowadays you won’t look at a toy car unless it has the interior realistically and truthfully recreated. One might wonder where it might end…

Hand crafted toys are the best though. Donald “Kodykoala” Kennedy truly knows how to get your attention, and with his Mecha Yoshi toy, there is no mistaking the details and the time he must have put into it. We all know Yoshi from Super Mario, and this just reminds us that there is no character in Super Mario not worthy of spending a ton of hours recreating in some awesome piece of artwork.

So next time you run to the store, especially now during your Christmas shopping, make sure you hit up the most awesome and detailed toy for your kids, and you will be home free. Going half ass on the toys you give to your future masters of the world is just not right. #JustSaying!