Leather USB Bracelet: Take Your Special Memories With You

The trend over the past few years has definitely been to carry our data with us in the form of wearable USB devices. We’ve written about a lot of them, and my favorite has always been the R2-D2 Flash Drive Cufflinks. Too bad I’m not a guy or I’d be all over those. There has been a lot of USB jewelry for girls over the years too. The thing is, these fancy-style USB devices don’t usually hold a lot of data, but that’s not the point, right? The point is, there is nothing geekier than carrying around our personal files or special pictures on a USB drive in the form of earrings, necklaces, cufflinks, or in this case, a USB bracelet.

This USB bracelet holds 2GB of data and is attached to a very stylish braided leather cord. With this USB bracelet, you could carry all your memories with you. Well, maybe not all of them, but definitely the most important ones. I have to admit, if a guy were to give this to me, I would definitely swoon. It’s the perfect gift for your geek girl.

If you’d like to get one of these, you can check out the bynordvik shop on Etsy where they sell for about $40. Artist and geeky crafter Merete Nordivik also has some very nice Swarovski crystal designs in her store. In the old days, our photo albums and hand-written diaries were special to us. Nowadays, it’s all about our digital files. I love the idea of being able to carry those around with us, just like our smartphones and our other mobile devices. I just wish this type of jewelry would hold more data than what we usually find. Either way, this would be a wonderful gift for someone special. You could even make it more meaningful by filling it with memories before you gift it. Yeah, you can thank me later for this one.

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Via: [Jay Mug]