The World Through The Eyes Of A Male Student…

It can be quite an ordeal going to school everyday and having to deal with the mundane and boring chores of an everyday life at the same time. As a kid, we always have parents who take care of us while we casually go to school to learn what will become the backbone of our whole adult life. The things we learn in school are of course the tools that will take us on the path to a better life, and it really is like a lot of leaders have said before, knowledge is power. So as you can imagine, education is quite important in order to form a good base to stand on when you grow up, and in time, become a parent yourself.

For a student, life can be a whole different thing when compared to adults as far as experiences go. The two don’t always play well together. Maybe it is because of this phenomenon we have some truly creative and geeky companies in the world that keep propelling it forward. It could very well be that this phenomenon is the reason why we all want a good life after we graduate, and we’ll do everything we can to make that happen. After all, we don’t want to keep living the student dream longer than we really have to, do we?

To illustrate what I mean, I found a pretty hilarious little comparison sheet that will have you looking back at those years when you were in school. It will be fun to compare your life back then to what it is now. Is this image true or false? Only you know that. The interesting thing about life is that it never stops changing. So, next time someone asks you where you are in your life, just tell him or her that you are in a transition phase, and you will be able to tell them exactly where you are when you have arrived. Problem solved!

A Students View On Life