The Geeky Etch-A-Sketch Computer

Martin over at NortHACKton gets the ultimate geek award this week for sure with his etch-a-sketch computer hybrid. According to his website, after seeing tons of computer controlled etch-a-sketches, he decided to create the opposite… an etch-a-sketch controlled computer.

I grew up playing with an etch-a-sketch. I kept one in the backseat of my parent’s car to play with during long drives to Grandma’s house. I still have an etch-a-sketch today. They are like Rubik’s Cubes and Legos, they are just as much fun for adults as kids, and they never go out of style. With two water bottle caps as knobs and the insides of an old USB mouse used to control the PC, this design is definitely a geek girl dream come true.

If you would like to build one of these for yourself, you can get all the details on Martin’s website, NortHACKton. If you happen to be attending the UK Maker Faire in March, Martin will be there, and you can try it out for yourself. The short video below demonstrates how it works (so cute!), and the pictures are from the construction phase. Obviously this wouldn’t be a computer for everyday use, but what a fun toy to have in the office and an even more fun weekend project to make!

Etch A Sketch Hack

Etch A Sketch Hack

Etch A Sketch Hack

Etch A Sketch Hack

Etch A Sketch Hack

Via: [Hacked Gadgets]