Iconic Characters Turned Into Awesome Wooden Idols

I am sure it doesn’t fly by unnoticed that people with handcrafting skills of any kind always come up with the coolest stuff. It’s like they can’t wait to put their ideas and hands to good use. Their imaginations are sprawling with good content, and they usually seem to mash them up into one big bundle of awesomeness and then they just start working on what comes out as the end result. It may sound weird to you, but for these people, this is perfectly normal. Any idea is a good one, and the customization of something completely new many times goes viral on the Internet. The latest in custom created geek items that very much impresses me is stuff created out of wood that speaks to our childhood memories. It’s wood turned into iconic characters that will have you smiling from ear to ear.

I think Amanda Visell knows exactly what I am talking about since her latest project has become one of my favorite custom projects this particular week. She took her skills and turned wood into what can only be described as childhood memories repackaged. Amanda herself calls her creations Wooden Idols, and I can totally understand why. The homage to yesterday’s iconic characters is pure and easy to spot, and you just want those old days to return if only for a day or two.

These creations help those iconic characters from our childhoods once again come alive in our minds as if they have always been there but went hiding while we had some other more grownup things to attend to. I think what Amanda created will not only spark some nostalgic flashbacks, but also a sense of youth even though you might be starting to feel like you’re the oldest gamer on the gaming convention floor, wherever you are. These iconic characters were for sale, but they are all sold out right now. In the world of iconic characters and wooden idols, you have to move quickly to have the pleasure of looking at them in real time. Fandom is not for the lazy – On your toes is where the awesomeness is, always remember that.

Amanda Visell’s Wooden Iconic Characters













Via: [Geek-Art]