Hello Kitty: The Star Wars Version [8 Pics]

It’s been a while since I wrote about a geeky mashup, especially one involving Hello Kitty, but when I saw Hello Kitty – The Star Wars version, I knew it was time. Hello Kitty has been popular for as long as I can remember. I keep waiting for her to fade back into the background, into the sea of old trends, but it doesn’t appear to be happening.

Hello Kitty must be the best marketed cat in the world, and I can’t help but think she was the springboard for cats on the Internet as a whole. After all, something must have been the catalyst for our online cat obsession, and it could have been Hello Kitty. Regardless of that, I thought you might enjoy seeing the Star Wars version of her. It’s creepy and cool all at the same time.

The Star Wars version of the kitty as a stormtrooper and Leia are interesting, but when it comes to seeing her as Jabba…well, let’s just say that looks like something from the movie Alien, but that’s just me. That doesn’t mean it’s not interesting to look at though.

From a design standpoint, it must be challenging to mashup Star Wars and Hello Kitty. We have seen it before though. A few years ago we featured some tiny Hello Kitty Figures In Star Wars & Star Trek, but these below are much better in my opinion. They were designed by Jason Chalker, and each kitty is a 3 inch figurine. I’m not sure if they are for sale, but I don’t think they are. If you are a designer, and if you are considering a mashup series, just remember, you can make anything go together. I mean, if someone can create the Star Wars version of Hello Kitty, you can mashup anything, right?

Hello Kitty: The Star Wars Version









Via: [Design You Trust]